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Sunday, December 14, 2008

5 Characteristics Of People Who Work From Home

If you have chosen to work from home you will have to have one of these attributes in order to be a success. Otherwise you will wind up back at the old 9-5. People that choose to work from home and do so effectively,
  • #1 People that work from home are good at managing time.They make the most of the time they have alotted themselves to do or finish a project. They don't spend a lot of time doing other things that don't contribute towards finishing up the tasks for the day.

  • #2 People that work from home are goal oriented. If you ask them what it is they are trying to accomplish, They will have a definate concise answer for you. They are sure of the direction they are heading, and although there is flexiblity in that, they are always heading in that direction.

  • #3 People that work from home are independant. They don't need someone to answer to, or get them motivated to do what has to be done. They are self-motivated individuals who find within themselves the urgings to do the work and be productive on a daily basis. Without having the fear of being fired as a reason to do so.

  • #4 People that work from home have the ability to focus. These are people who won't let the things that happen around them on a daily basis to undermine what they are doing at that moment. If they have to momentarily stop working to do something else they are able to to do that, and immediately get back to what they were doing without losing a beat.

  • #5 People that work from home have passion. They love what they are doing,they would probably be doing it without getting paid! Above all the others this is probably the most important of them all.

  • If you have any or all of these characteristics you have a very good shot at making the dream of being your own boss and working from home a reality.



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